Media Outlet Sopris Sun Date of first publication 02/08/2024 Date of Latest Change 02/08/2024

3. Public Service Media

3.1. Public Service Media Mission, Governance and Independence

The Media Outlet shall describe its public service mission and the legal instrument on which it is based. It shall describe its governance structure, including the role of all relevant governance bodies or organisations (for example, regulator, supervisory board, government/parliament role). It shall state how its financial income is generated and what proportion of its financial resources are totally or partially provided by public funds. It shall state if both external and internal governance measures guarantee its editorial independence.

Is the Media Outlet a Public Service Media?


What is the public service mission for which it is responsible?

Our mission is to inform, inspire and build community, by fostering diverse and independent journalism.

Is this governed by legislation?


What law or legal instrument specifies its role and responsibilities?

501(c)(3) nonproft regulations from the Internal Revenue Service

Provide a reference URL here.

What are the stakeholders with which it has formal relations, and what is the nature of the relationship?

We are governed by a volunteer board of Directors, are stakeholders are teh community we serve.

How is income generated?

Income is generated by advertising, sponsorships, grants, and donations.

What portion of income is public funds?

It depends on the year as we apply for government grants each year. Sometimes we get them and other times we do not. Local government agencies can advertise as well and the percentage of those funds vary by year.

Does the governance guarantee editorial independence?


State here in what way.

Our organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, there are no other stakeholders for Sopris Sun.