Media Outlet Truth Serum Media Private Limited Date of first publication 12/06/2024 Date of Latest Change 12/06/2024

11. Responsibility for Content Provided by the General Public

11.1. User Generated Content/Eyewitness News

A Media Outlet shall ensure that the same principles of checking for accuracy, legal, and ethical compliance are applied to journalistic content sourced from the general public (UGC or Eyewitness News content) as with all content it publishes.

Does your Media Outlet publish any content that comes not from staff or freelancers but from external sources such as readers/viewers?


11.3. Opinion Guidelines

In relation to opinion or comment pieces the guidelines should set clear requirements of the ethical principles expected which may include but is not limited to prohibition of comment due to defamation, privacy, hate speech and harassment. The Media Outlet should make clear its policy on the moderation of such content, whether it is pre or post publication, and its policy on take-down, notice and appeal provisions.

Do your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from defamation?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, our Editorial Guidelines make sure that we do not publish any derogatory comments by the audience targeting anyone. We publish only positive comments.
Furthermore, our guidelines may specify the responsibility of moderators to review comments for potentially defamatory content, either before or after publication. Pre-publication moderation may involve screening comments for potentially defamatory statements before they are published, while post-publication moderation may involve removing or editing comments that are found to be defamatory.
Additionally, our guidelines outline our policy on take-down procedures in the event that defamatory comments are published. This may include providing a mechanism for individuals who believe they have been defamed to request the removal of offending content, along with a process for appealing such decisions.
By including provisions for ensuring comment material is free from defamation, we uphold our commitment to ethical journalism and strive to maintain a respectful and constructive environment for discussion and debate.

Do your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from invasions of privacy?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We make sure that any comment material is free from invasion of privacy by monitoring all the comments strictly.

Do your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from hate speech?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Any comment by the audience instigating hate are not allowed by our moderators before publishing itself. The comments by the users are moderated using the per publication moderation on our website.

Do your Editorial Guidelines also include provision for ensuring comment material is free from harassment?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, Any comment by the audience subjecting to harassment are not allowed by our moderators before publishing itself. The comments by the users are moderated using the per publication moderation on our website.

Is it clear to the public whether your Media Outlet’s moderation of such comment is pre- or post-publication?


Does this policy allow for the removal of offending material?
