Media Outlet Truth Serum Media Private Limited Date of first publication 12/06/2024 Date of Latest Change 12/06/2024

12. Responsibility for Sources

A Media Outlet shall ensure that the sources used for its journalism are dealt with responsibly and their anonymity protected when justified.

12.1. Anonymity

The procedures for granting anonymity to sources shall be covered by the Editorial Guidelines. The reason for anonymity should be clarified for the public.

Are there guidelines on the procedures to be followed for granting anonymity to sources?


Are the reasons for granting anonymity made clear to the public?


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The reasons for granting anonymity to sources are made clear to the public in accordance with our Editorial Guidelines. Transparency is paramount in journalistic practice, and we strive to provide our audience with as much information as possible about the sourcing and reporting process.
When anonymous sources are used in our reporting, we typically provide a clear explanation to the public regarding the reasons for granting anonymity. This explanation may be included within the body of the article, in a note accompanying the article, or in a separate editor's note or disclosure section.
The reasons for granting anonymity are typically articulated to justify why the source's identity cannot be revealed. This may include explaining that the source faces potential reprisals or retaliation, that revealing their identity could jeopardize their safety or livelihood, or that they are not authorized to speak on the record due to confidentiality agreements or legal considerations.
By providing transparency regarding the reasons for granting anonymity, we aim to uphold the trust and credibility of our reporting while ensuring that our audience understands the context and considerations involved in sourcing information from anonymous sources.

12.2. Privacy Rights

Editorial guidelines should protect the privacy rights of individuals and their safety.

Are there guidelines to ensure that the privacy rights and safety of individuals are protected in your journalistic activity?


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our Editorial Guidelines include specific provisions to ensure that the privacy rights and safety of individuals are protected in our journalistic activities.
Some key aspects of our guidelines may include:
1. Informed Consent: We prioritize obtaining informed consent from individuals before publishing any personal or sensitive information about them. This involves clearly explaining to individuals how their information will be used and obtaining their explicit permission to proceed.
2. Anonymity and Confidentiality: We respect individuals' rights to anonymity and confidentiality, particularly in sensitive or potentially harmful situations. We carefully consider whether identifying individuals by name or other identifying information is necessary for the story, and we take steps to protect their privacy when appropriate.
3. Minimizing Harm: We strive to minimize harm to individuals when reporting on sensitive or traumatic events. This may involve exercising discretion in the details we include in our reporting, avoiding unnecessary intrusion into individuals' private lives, and providing resources or support for individuals affected by our reporting.
4. Safety Considerations: We take safety considerations seriously, both for individuals directly involved in our reporting and for our journalists. This may involve assessing potential risks before pursuing certain stories, taking precautions to protect the physical or emotional well-being of individuals, and providing support or security measures when necessary.

12.3. Independence and Sources

There should be guidelines on establishing relations with sources which protect the independence of the journalism.

Are there guidelines to ensure the independence of journalism relative to the sources for content?


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our Editorial Guidelines include guidelines aimed at ensuring the independence of journalism relative to sources for content. These guidelines are essential to maintain the integrity, credibility, and objectivity of our reporting.
Key aspects of these guidelines may include:
1. Maintaining Editorial Independence: Our guidelines emphasize the importance of maintaining editorial independence in our journalism. This means that our reporting is not unduly influenced or controlled by external sources, such as advertisers, sponsors, or individuals with vested interests.
2. Avoiding Conflicts of Interest: We have protocols in place to identify and mitigate potential conflicts of interest that may arise in our interactions with sources. This includes refraining from accepting gifts, favors, or inducements that could compromise our independence or integrity.
3. Objective Reporting: Our journalists are expected to report objectively and impartially, regardless of any personal relationships or affiliations they may have with sources. They are guided by principles of accuracy, fairness, and balance in their reporting, and they strive to present information in a transparent and unbiased manner.
4. Verification and Cross-Checking: We prioritize verifying information obtained from sources through multiple independent sources and cross-checking facts to ensure accuracy and reliability. This helps safeguard against misinformation or manipulation by sources with specific agendas.
5. Transparency: We are transparent with our audience about the sources of our information and the process by which we gather and verify it. This includes clearly attributing information to its sources and providing context about any potential biases or affiliations that sources may have.

12.4. Diversity of Sources

Editorial guidelines should ensure that a diversity of sources are consulted in producing journalistic content with adequate time for response.

Do the guidelines ensure that a diversity of sources is used in the production of your journalistic content?


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Yes, our Editorial Guidelines ensure that a diversity of sources is consulted in the production of our journalistic content.
Our guidelines typically include provisions that emphasize the following:
1. Inclusive Sourcing: We are committed to sourcing information from a wide range of individuals, organizations, and communities to ensure that multiple perspectives are represented in our reporting. This may include seeking input from diverse experts, community leaders, stakeholders, and affected individuals.
2. Representation: We strive to ensure that our sources reflect the diversity of the communities we serve, including but not limited to diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, age, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and ideological perspective. This helps to avoid bias and ensure that our reporting accurately reflects the experiences and viewpoints of all segments of society.
3. Accessibility: We make efforts to ensure that our sourcing practices are accessible to individuals and communities from diverse backgrounds. These include providing opportunities for individuals to contribute their perspectives or insights, as well as actively seeking out sources from underrepresented or marginalized groups.
4. Time for Response: Our guidelines include provisions that ensure sources are given adequate time to respond to inquiries or requests for comment. This helps to ensure fairness and accuracy in our reporting by allowing sources the opportunity to provide input or context before publication.