Media Outlet Truth Serum Media Private Limited Date of first publication 12/06/2024 Date of Latest Change 12/06/2024

13. Professionalism for Affiliations

13.1. Sponsored Content Policies

Professional journalism principles shall have clear and distinct editorial practices in distinguishing advertising and sponsored content, commercial or commissioned, from editorial content independently produced by the Media Outlet.

Do your Editorial Guidelines have specific policies for distinguishing commercial or sponsored content?


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Our Editorial Guidelines incorporate specific policies aimed at distinguishing commercial or sponsored content from independently produced editorial content, in alignment with professional journalism principles. Central to these guidelines is the clear disclosure of sponsored content, ensuring that our audience is aware of any commercial influence. Such content is prominently labeled with designations like "Sponsored" or "Paid Advertisement" to differentiate it from editorial material. We also employ visual cues to further distinguish sponsored content. Importantly, we maintain editorial independence by ensuring that sponsored content does not dictate the tone, messaging, or integrity of our editorial content.

13.2. Sponsored Content Indicators

In Media Outlets, sponsored content shall be clearly identified with the words content 'sponsored by’, ‘paid by’ or other explicit and easy to understand terms. Particular care should be taken in distinguishing so called ‘native’ content (where the item is sponsored but is published or broadcast next to ordinary editorial content) from its surrounding material.

Do you publish any sponsored content?


Do your Editorial Guidelines require all sponsored content to be clearly labelled or otherwise made clear?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, our Editorial Guidelines do require a clear distinction to be made between news content and opinion content. We prioritize maintaining transparency and integrity in our editorial practices by ensuring that our audience can easily differentiate between factual news reporting and opinion pieces. This may involve labelling or employing equivalent mechanisms to clearly indicate when content is presenting factual news versus expressing subjective opinions.

Do your Editorial Guidelines require sponsored content to be labelled and made clearly distinguishable from your own content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, our Editorial Guidelines mandate a clear distinction between news content and commercial content. We prioritize transparency and integrity in our editorial practices by ensuring that our audience can easily discern between content that presents factual news and content that serves commercial purposes. This differentiation is crucial to maintain the credibility and trustworthiness of our media outlet. We may employ labelling or equivalent mechanisms to clearly indicate when content is sponsored or influenced by commercial interests, thereby allowing our audience to make informed decisions about the information they consume. By upholding this distinction, we aim to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and journalistic integrity in our editorial practices.

13.3. Separation of News and Opinion

Editorial Guidelines shall ensure that there is a clear distinction between news content and opinion and between news content and other content provided by an external non-journalistic body by requiring labelling or an equivalent mechanism.

Do your Editorial Guidelines require a clear distinction to be made between news content and opinion content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, our Editorial Guidelines do require a clear distinction to be made between news content and opinion content. We prioritize maintaining transparency and integrity in our editorial practices by ensuring that our audience can easily differentiate between factual news reporting and opinion pieces. This may involve labelling or employing equivalent mechanisms to clearly indicate when content is presenting factual news versus expressing subjective opinions.

Do your Editorial Guidelines require a clear distinction to be made between news content and commercial content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, our Editorial Guidelines mandate a clear distinction between news content and commercial content. We prioritize transparency and integrity in our editorial practices by ensuring that our audience can easily discern between content that presents factual news and content that serves commercial purposes. This differentiation is crucial to maintain the credibility and trustworthiness of our media outlet. We may employ labeling or equivalent mechanisms to clearly indicate when content is sponsored or influenced by commercial interests, thereby allowing our audience to make informed decisions about the information they consume. By upholding this distinction, we aim to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and journalistic integrity in our editorial practices.

Do you in editorial practice or in Editorial Guidelines require a clear distinction to be made between news content and content supplied by an external non-journalistic body?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, both in our editorial practice and in our Editorial Guidelines, we require a clear distinction to be made between news content and content supplied by an external non-journalistic body. This distinction is crucial to maintaining the independence and integrity of our reporting. We ensure that our audience can easily identify content that originates from external sources, such as press releases, sponsored material, or contributions from non-journalistic entities.