Media Outlet A1 Press Journalists for Pomerania Foundation Date of first publication 02/08/2023 Date of Latest Change 23/08/2023

6. Disclosure of Identity of the Management Team and its Location

The organisational structure of the Media Outlet shall be publicly available with up-to-date information on the names, positions and contact details of the people in charge. The address, usually the headquarters, shall be clearly indicated. If the company has several offices based in different places, their addresses shall also be disclosed. If the physical address cannot be stated for security concerns a correspondence address shall be provided.

6.1. Management Directory

Chief executive officer, managing director, directors, all the people holding responsibility in the company shall clearly be identified. Their name, position and professional contact details shall be disclosed.

What are the names, positions, and contact details of all members of management for the Media Outlet?

Mariusz Szmidka, prezes zarządu i redaktor naczelny, tel.+48 502 499 049

Krzysztof Ignatowicz, wiceprezes zarządu i dyrektor artystyczny, +48 510 026 888

6.2. Location of Branches and Offices

The location of the headquarters, main branches and offices of the Media Outlet shall be disclosed, including the full address, a contact phone number and email address.

What is the physical address, phone number and email address of the headquarters of the Media Outlet?

adres fundacji A1 Press - Dziennikarze dla Pomorza: 80-809 Gdańsk, ul. Prof. Romana Lipowicza 63

adres redakcji ZAWSZE POMORZE: 80-850 Gdańsk, ul. Rajska 6

Does the Media Outlet have other main branches and offices?


Do you have a safety-related reason for not providing it?


What is the reason for not disclosing it?