Media Outlet Hong Kong Free Press Date of first publication 20/02/2024 Date of Latest Change 20/02/2024

16. Professionalism in the Media Outlet

16.1. Recruitment and Training

There shall be professional guidelines for the recruitment and training of editorial staff. This includes responsibilities for implementing diversity policy and staff welfare. Recruitment policy, (use of open competition etc.) and staff welfare principles should be publicly available.

Do you have guidelines for the recruitment and training of editorial staff?


Do those guidelines contain a diversity policy?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We state that we do not make recruitment decisions, nor do we discriminate, along the lines of age, gender or sexual orientation, religion, race, pregnancy or marital status. As a newsroom, hiring decisions are based on ability, language skills, past experience and performance, the role’s stated requirements, and our recruitment tests and interview. Full, detailed policy here:

Do those guidelines cover staff welfare?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

They state: "HKFP has no tolerance for any forms of discrimination, prejudice or bullying – all freelancers, contractors, job applicants, full and part-time staff are treated with respect, fairness and dignity."

Are they publicly available?


What is the URL?

16.2. Working Conditions, Contract Policy and Labour Relations

Journalistic principles and practice should be supported by the organisational environment including protection for journalistic integrity through adherence to labour laws and regulations, transparency of contract policy and freedom to organise. The duration or nature of the contract should not inhibit a journalist from operating in an ethical manner and the organisation structure should protect that principle.

Do the regulations and guidelines for the employment of staff and engagement of contract journalists protect their editorial independence?


Are your employees (including freelance) covered by legal contracts and insurance?


Does your staff have the freedom to organise?


Do you have an existing structure for social dialogue including a collective bargaining arrangement with appropriate trade unions?


Are there guidelines for contracts of engagement with freelance journalists?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

All freelancers agree to our Freelance Charter:

Do these guidelines ensure the ability of freelancers to adhere to the editorial principles?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

All freelancers agree to our Freelance Charter:

16.3. Staff Welfare

Responsibility for the welfare of staff and those contracted on a freelance basis should be an important part of a Media Outlet’s role. Organisational Editorial Guidelines should be protective against any form of discrimination and supportive of equality of opportunity. It should ensure safety at work and in the working environment (including remote and online) and have guidelines, which support staff who have been exposed to material of a sensitive or upsetting nature or have suffered physical or psychological harm in the course of their work.

Does your Media Outlet's rules and procedures protect against discrimination in the workplace?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, all laid out here, publicly: "HKFP has no tolerance for any forms of discrimination, prejudice or bullying - all freelancers, contractors, job applicants, full and part-time staff are treated with respect, fairness and dignity."

Does your Media Outlet's rules and procedures support equality of opportunity?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Yes, all laid out here, publicly: including references to equality when it comes to "promotions."

Does your Media Outlet have a safety at work policy, which includes specific protection for journalists working in hostile environments?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

The safety, security and mental health of our staff are of utmost, overriding importance. We have internal guidelines for deploying to local protest scenes, and our ethics page has multiple references to staff safety: including as a guiding principle. We have ensured special training during times of unrest.

Does your Media Outlet have guidelines to support editorial staff who have been exposed to material of a sensitive or upsetting nature?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

All staff have access to multiple mental health support options, per an internal guide. All staff also have comprehensive, international healthcare.

Does your Media Outlet have guidelines to support editorial staff who suffered physical or psychological harm in the course of their work?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

All staff have access to multiple mental health support options, per an internal guide.