Media Outlet Plan B. Date of first publication 20/05/2024 Date of Latest Change 20/05/2024

3. Public Service Media

3.1. Public Service Media Mission, Governance and Independence

The Media Outlet shall describe its public service mission and the legal instrument on which it is based. It shall describe its governance structure, including the role of all relevant governance bodies or organisations (for example, regulator, supervisory board, government/parliament role). It shall state how its financial income is generated and what proportion of its financial resources are totally or partially provided by public funds. It shall state if both external and internal governance measures guarantee its editorial independence.

Is the Media Outlet a Public Service Media?


What is the public service mission for which it is responsible?

We are the media for Belarusians inside the country and those who were forced to leave it. Our mission is to unite these people, to close the gap between them.

- We are a media based on opinion and explaining journalism. We write about important things, explain their importance from the height of our experience. Our mission is to highlight the main thing that is happening in the country, explain possible scenarios and make it understandable to the audience in language.

We are the media that influences what is happening in the country. And this is our main mission and uniqueness among other Belarusian media. Our experience allows us to reach out to the people who make decisions in the country.

Our two other important missions are to ensure that Belarus retains its independence from Russia, and that political prisoners in Belarus are released.

Is this governed by legislation?


What law or legal instrument specifies its role and responsibilities?

The activities of all the media outlets in Poland are regulated by the provisions of the "Law about the Press"

Provide a reference URL here.

What are the stakeholders with which it has formal relations, and what is the nature of the relationship?

We are an independent media without the influence of external stakeholders, our media was organized by two people who now work in it

How is income generated?

Crowdfunding and grants from different funds.

What portion of income is public funds?

Does the governance guarantee editorial independence?


State here in what way.

1. Constitutional Guarantees: Poland’s Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and the press. Article 14 of the Polish Constitution states that “The Republic of Poland shall ensure freedom of the press and other means of social communication.”
2. Media Law: The Broadcasting Act of 1992 regulates the public and private broadcasting sectors, aiming to ensure pluralism and independence in media.
3. Freedom of Information Act: This act provides mechanisms for access to public information, promoting transparency and accountability.