Media Outlet Nasha Niva Date of first publication 10/06/2024 Date of Latest Change 10/06/2024

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


Provide that statement here.

Basic standards of Nasha Niva, basic norms of ethics, and basic knowledge about safety

1. We adhere to the principle of objectivity in our work. We do not represent individual political forces or structures. We represent only the interests of society and our audience. Working at the same time within political structures and at the Nasha Niva is considered unacceptable.
2. When we write about a conflict, we try to give a voice to both sides.
3. We must, as a rule, confirm information from two sources before publishing it.
4. We seek the original source of information before reprinting, referencing, or developing a topic. The fact that someone sent the information often says a lot about its reliability and probability.
5. When we receive a leak of information, we first attempt to understand why it happened and what the leaker's motivations were.
6. We do not make fun of our characters' illnesses or physical or psychological features.
7. We do not name people's illnesses unless they themselves tell us about them or if it is necessary to understand the causes of a particular situation.
8. We do not use offensive words or expressions to describe our characters.
9. We do not make fun of people's names.
10. Before indicating the nationality or ethnicity of the hero, we assess whether it is important and justified, or whether it will not strengthen negative stereotypes. We never forget to treat all minorities, including the LGBTQ+ community, with special sensitivity. We treat everyone as equal. Our moral duty is to support all the persecuted and despised to correct injustice.
11. We condemn sexual, physical, psychological, and any other violence. In a civilised society, it has no place or excuse.
12. We remember, in our words and actions, both online and offline, that we are journalists, and this obligates us. We refrain from engaging in immoral behaviour or actions.
13. We avoid using obscene language, even on social media platforms.
14. If you have a personal connection with someone, you have no right to write about them. In this situation, you should assign the topic to your colleagues.
15. We try to write about each person as if he were our acquaintance, honestly but without offending.
16. We respect copyright and try not to violate it in our work.
17. We do not take photos or videos with children without their parents' permission.
18. We reprint other people's texts only with a hyperlink and an indication of the original source, provided that the original source in principle allows reprinting. If the author does not specify reprint conditions, we request permission to reprint their material.
19. Before reprinting any text or image from posts on social networks, we ask permission from the author, except in cases where the author has given us such a right for an indefinite period or when it may pose a risk to the author's safety. We only make exceptions in cases where there is a public need.
20. We do not give colleagues' private contacts to others without permission.
21. We care about the security of our sources and, by default, use secure means of communication when communicating with them.
22. We never inform third parties outside the Editorial Office of how we know this or that fact. We do not disclose our sources.
23. We treat our colleagues with respect. We do not humiliate or insult each other.
24. We strive to make the Editorial Office a safe place for everyone. We do not allow harassment in relation to each other.

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