Media Outlet W D Hoard & Sons Company Legal Entity W D Hoard & Sons Company Date of first publication 14/04/2023 Date of Latest Change 30/10/2023

9. Accountability for Journalism Principles

9.1. Editorial Guidelines

A Media Outlet shall produce a set of Editorial Guidelines or adhere to an external set of guidelines (for example the Model Editorial Guidelines provided as a reference document to this Standard), to which its journalistic operations comply. They should govern meaningful principles of journalistic content, dissemination and conduct. These guidelines, and the identity of the person or group of persons with ultimate responsibility for them within its organisation, shall be made available to the public in a readily accessible and understandable form. Best practice is to have these guidelines available publicly rather than on request.

Does your Media Outlet have a set of guidelines, or adhere to an external set of guidelines, for journalistic content, distribution and conduct to which its journalistic operations comply?


Are they made available to the public in a readily accessible form?


What is the URL?


Is there a person or a group of persons responsible for these guidelines clearly identified?


Is that identification visible on the page with the guidelines?


Why not?

Our company does not accept unsolicited content. All current and prospective authors and contributors are provided the guidelines on an individual basis.

9.2. Purpose of Guidelines

A Media Outlet shall ensure that these Editorial Guidelines set clear expectations of the behaviour it requires from its own staff, its contractors and from all other contributors to its editorial content. It should also set out the structure of responsibility within the organisation, making sure it is clear who is accountable for each stage of the process that leads to publication.

Do the guidelines referred to in the section on Editorial Guidelines set clear expectations for the behaviour for all the contributors, including editorial staff (journalists, editors) and all other contributors?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

The W.D. Hoard and Sons Company was established in 1885 by William Dempster Hoard. By 1888, he was elected Wisconsin’s 16th Governor and was the foremost leader who breathed life into what has become Wisconsin’s signature industry and why the state is known as America’s Dairyland. Since the founding of Hoard’s Dairyman, there have been just five lead editors. There’s a culture of high integrity that’s been instilled in the editorial team via a well-thought out employee succession plan.

Do the guidelines referred to in the section on Editorial Guidelines make clear the structure of editorial responsibility for each stage of the publication process within the organisation?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

The publication is grounded in science and economics. About 35% of the content is written by the editors. The remaining 65% is written by industry scientists, economists, and other leading authorities personally invited by the editors. Each outside author submits their article to an editor. That individual edits the article for accuracy and clarity as does an editorial assistant for grammar and style. After that, every editor reviews the article and offers input on the article via an internal routing system. Once that process is complete, the original author makes the final review of the manuscript. Once the article is designated for publication, the editorial coordinator also makes a review of the final page layout or the proposed online content. At this time, the article’s point editor and original author review the final manuscript one more time.

9.3. Guidelines and Journalism Principles

A Media Outlet shall ensure that these Editorial Guidelines embody the core ethical principles of journalism. The Editorial Guidelines may impose specific requirements in addition to these core ethical principles; but any additional requirements shall not compromise these core ethical principles as described in the Preamble of this document.

Do your Editorial Guidelines include requirements for Accuracy (as prescribed in the Preamble) in your output?


What is the URL?


Do they include requirements for Independence (as prescribed in the Preamble) of editorial decision making?


Do they include requirements of Fairness (as prescribed in the Preamble) in the practice of journalism?


Do they include requirements for Accountability (as prescribed in the Preamble) in the practice of its journalism?


9.4. Conflicts of Interest

Editorial Guidelines shall ensure that there are no conflicts of interests – real, potential or perceived – damaging the integrity of the story or the editorial independence of those working on it. They should have guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to political, business and personal interests. Editorial structures should protect the journalism from any undue influence by the Media Outlet’s executive management or ownership authorities outside the formal editorial process and from any external interests, commercial, social or political.

Do your Editorial Guidelines include protections against real, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Every effort is taken to root out and eliminate conflicts of interest in all writing. Article placement also is important. An article that may have a theme that could complement an advertisement is moved to another section of the magazine or the e-newsletter. For example, an article about feeding dairy cattle is not placed near an advertisement for a feed company.

Do the guidelines include guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to business?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Editorial and marketing are independent departments. When a potential conflict arises, an internal meeting takes place to resolve the matter and maintain our 138 years of brand integrity.

Do the guidelines include guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to political interests?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Hoard’s Dairyman does not cover politics unless it impacts dairy and agriculture. In those instances, we only cover the issues involving agriculture. We do not endorse candidates.

Do the guidelines include guidance on how to deal with conflicts related to personal interests?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

If there is a conflict of interest on the editorial team, another editor handles the event and writes the story. Also, the company president reviews all Editorial Comments to consider any potential conflicts.

Does the Media Outlet’s structure protect the editorial processes from any undue influence from within or without?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We are very clear with our industry partners on editorial procedures. If an issue arises, the company president and managing editor will step in and take immediate action.