Media Outlet 20 Hvylyn Zhytomyr Date of first publication 01/08/2023 Date of Latest Change 20/11/2024
16. Professionalism in the Media Outlet
16.1. Recruitment and Training
There shall be professional guidelines for the recruitment and training of editorial staff. This includes responsibilities for implementing diversity policy and staff welfare. Recruitment policy, (use of open competition etc.) and staff welfare principles should be publicly available.
Do you have guidelines for the recruitment and training of editorial staff?
YesDo those guidelines contain a diversity policy?
NoDo those guidelines cover staff welfare?
NoAre they publicly available?
No16.2. Working Conditions, Contract Policy and Labour Relations
Journalistic principles and practice should be supported by the organisational environment including protection for journalistic integrity through adherence to labour laws and regulations, transparency of contract policy and freedom to organise. The duration or nature of the contract should not inhibit a journalist from operating in an ethical manner and the organisation structure should protect that principle.