14. Internal Accountability
14.1. Dealing with Inaccuracies
There shall be a systematic editorial structure in the Media Outlet to ensure that any inaccuracies in its content are corrected in a timely and transparent manner. This shall include a clear process to allow potential errors to be communicated to the Media Outlet by the public and those with knowledge of the story and for assessing and dealing with the claims.
Do you have a clear process to allow potential errors to be communicated to the Media Outlet by the public?
YesDo you publish that process?
YesWhat is the URL where it can be seen? Or, where is it seen next to each bit of Content?
En cas d'erreurs, les auditeurs peuvent également s'adresser à la médiatrice des antennes qui intervient régulièrement sur les antennes et dispose d'un site dédié avec des réponses aux auditeurs. Les auditeurs peuvent également saisir le comité d'éthique, s'il s'agit d'un manquement déontologique. L'Arcom peut également être saisie, et en cas de manquements manifestes, elle publie sa décision sur son site.
Do you have a clear process to allow potential errors to be communicated to the Media Outlet by those with direct involvement in the story?
YesDo you have a clear process for assessing and dealing with the claims?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
En cas d'erreurs, les auditeurs peuvent également s'adresser à la médiatrice des antennes qui intervient régulièrement sur les antennes et dispose d'un site dédié avec des réponses aux auditeurs. Les auditeurs peuvent également saisir le comité d'éthique, s'il s'agit d'un manquement déontologique. L'Arcom peut également être saisie, et en cas de manquements manifestes, elle publie sa décision sur son site.
Is there a systematic editorial structure in the Media Outlet to ensure that any inaccuracies in its content are corrected in a timely and transparent manner?
Yes14.2. Publishing Corrections
In particular, in relation to inaccuracies, a Media Outlet shall adopt good practice for correcting inaccuracies, such as making a clear indication of the correction in a similarly prominent place and manner as the original version, such as the same URL or in similar time and format of broadcast.
Does your Media Outlet guarantee the publication of the correction of all significant inaccuracies and errors in a similar place and manner as the original version, such as the same URL or in similar time and format of broadcast?
Yes14.3. Contact and Process for Complaints
A Media Outlet shall have a designated person and/or contact information in place for complaints. A process shall exist for members of the public to open a dialogue with the organisation in the event of potential breaches of its journalism principles or Editorial Guidelines. This information shall be easily available.
Does your organisation have a designated contact in the event of complaints about potential breaches of its journalism principles or Editorial Guidelines?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
CHIPIP : https://www.radiofrance.com/comite-ethique-de-radio-france
Médiatrice : https://mediateur.radiofrance.com/
Does your organisation have a designated process for the public to open a dialogue with you regarding potential breaches of its journalism principles or Editorial Guidelines? (These may follow the Uniform Correction or Clarification act adopted by most U.S. States.)
YesIs that information clearly available?
YesWhat is the URL of where this information is available? If it is not on a single page, describe where people can find it.
14.4. Internal Process for Complaints
The Media Outlet shall have a clear procedure in place to ensure that all staff are aware of the process that must be followed when such a complaint is received. For example in larger Media Outlets, it must be known and accepted that the creator of a piece of journalism that is subject to such a complaint must escalate the issue to a designated third person. A Media Outlet shall ensure that complaints are addressed within the Media Outlet in a fair, reasonable and timely manner.
Are your staff (Employees and Freelance) aware of the process that must be followed in the event of such complaints?
YesAre they aware that all such complaints must be brought to the attention of a senior member of staff (of organisations large enough to have a staff) not directly connected with the creation of the story?
YesIs your Media Outlet committed to the resolution of any such complaints in a fair, reasonable and timely manner?
Yes14.5. Independence of Ombudsperson
Where a Media Outlet's internal accountability mechanism takes the form of an ombudsperson, that person may be appointed by the Media Outlet; but in this case there shall be a transparent process for his/her appointment and the ombudsperson's independence shall be protected to ensure that he/she cannot be removed from the position simply for challenging journalistic or editorial decisions or actions.
Does the Media Outlet have an Ombudsperson?
YesIs the Ombudsperson appointed by the Media Outlet?
YesIs there a transparent process for their appointment and is their independence protected?
YesIf you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
La médiatrice ne peut se voir imposer ni elle-même imposer une décision. Elle est indépendante vis-à-vis de toute influence extérieure.
La médiatrice n’est soumise à aucune consigne venant de qui que ce soit.
La médiatrice bénéficie d’une totale liberté éditoriale. Elle sélectionne et publie les messages qu’elle souhaite sans que quiconque puisse critiquer ou remettre en question ses choix. Elle a une pleine autonomie dans l’exercice de ses fonctions et n’est pas soumise à des directives. La médiatrice ne saurait accepter des pressions internes en ce qui concerne ses décisions liées à la médiation.
La médiatrice s’engage à refuser ou interrompre la médiation si les conditions de cette indépendance ne lui paraissent pas ou plus réunies.
14.6. Powers of Ombudsperson
Where a Media Outlet's internal accountability mechanism takes the form of an internal or external ombudsperson or equivalent, it should take steps to ensure that this person has powers to remedy any breaches of its Editorial Guidelines, provide redress to affected parties, deter future guidelines' breaches and provide an opportunity for its decisions to be appealed or reviewed.