Media Outlet Thai Examiner Date of first publication 05/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 05/01/2024

10. Accuracy

10.2. Process Review

There shall be a mechanism for the periodic review of the editorial processes to ensure that they are in compliance with the Editorial Guidelines and that the accountability processes are effective and being used to support them.

Do you have a mechanism for periodic review of the effectiveness of the implementation of your Editorial Guidelines in your editorial processes?


Is your accountability mechanism (internal or external) subject to periodic review?


10.3. Statistics and External Content

Statistics and external photographs/video/audio content should be sourced and verified.

Do your Editorial Guidelines require that statistics should be sourced and verified?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We often check and double-check statistics to ensure that they are up to date and to see if there is other conflicting data. If so, we try to establish what the truth is. We try to avoid making judgments. Our goal is to honestly inform. If the statistic, once proven negates part of the story, then we alter the storyline.

Do your Editorial Guidelines require that external photographs/video/audio content should be sourced and verified?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We scour he internet to make sure the photo or footage is genuine and is real within the context of our story. Thankfully our area of reporting does not have so much false or misleading material. This can happen at time of inflamed feelings such as a political crisis.

10.4. Identification of Journalists, Agencies

Principle and secondary authors should be identified, or if not, then recorded via publishing mechanisms, so that this information can be accessed if there is a query. This includes any news agency material subscribed to by the Media Outlet. Any details of individuals should be subject to the legal requirements of data protection and security considerations.

Are the Individual Journalists (including external sources) identified, for example through a byline, or recorded in publishing mechanism so that this information can be accessed?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We have had a very small team of writers and contributors since we started in 2015.

Is all News Agency material used by the Media Outlet recorded and tracked?


10.5. Location Reporting

In news reporting, it should be clear to any reader or audience where a report is being written from, and if it includes location reporting. Where location reporting is constrained due to the mechanism or conditions of the facilitation this should be identified, e.g. an embed with an official army or independent travel with local militias. This may also include occasions where the reporting has been facilitated by a commercial, NGO or governmental organisation and labelling is necessary for transparency.

Is location reporting identified in your content?


Do your Editorial Guidelines ensure that any constraint on location reporting be explained in the report or in the context of its publication?


Do your Editorial Guidelines require transparency where a location report has been facilitated by an external body?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We make clear the source and context of all information and reporting.

10.6. Automatically Generated Content

News content generated, wholly or partly, automatically by means of algorithmic processes (such as but not limited to text generating systems, bots or artificial intelligence) shall be clearly indicated.

Do you publish any content that is automatically generated?


10.7. Algorithmic Dissemination and Curation

A Media Outlet shall indicate its policy on the use of algorithms for news content dissemination or curation and its adherence to best practice requirements from regulatory or advisory bodies.

Do you use any algorithms for the dissemination or curation of content?


10.8. Treatment of Explicit Content

Editorial processes shall ensure the ethically appropriate treatment of violent and explicit content, of content which features children or other vulnerable people, and of live content.

Do your Editorial Guidelines ensure the ethically appropriate treatment of violent and explicit content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We are governed by Google's Adsense code of conduct here. We try to make sure all our content while truthful and impactful, is not offensive.

Do your Editorial Guidelines ensure the ethically appropriate treatment of content which features children or other vulnerable people?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

We uphold the Google code of conduct. However, we will report on disturbing stories in the interests of pursuing justice and upholding the rule of law.

Do your Editorial Guidelines ensure the ethically appropriate handling of live content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

As above.