Media Outlet Chequeado Date of first publication 29/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 18/03/2024

4. Disclosure of Type of Ownership

4.1. Privately held

The Media Outlet shall declare its legal status clarifying what type of company it is registered as. For example, if it is a limited or incorporated company. It should use the legal definition used in its country of registration and provide the relevant registration information.

Is the Media Outlet or the Legal Entity privately owned?


4.2. State or Publicly owned

The Media Outlet shall state clearly if it is fully or partly owned by the government, a state institution, or other public body, providing information on the specific department, entity, or body that exercises that ownership and its relationship with the government.

Is the Media Outlet or the Legal Entity owned by the state, a unit of the government or any other public entity?


4.3. Publicly Traded Company

The Media Outlet shall indicate if it is a publicly traded company and where it is legally registered and where its shares are traded. The company shall also provide its share name and indicate what proportion of its ownership is publicly traded.

Is the Media Outlet or the Legal Entity publicly traded?


4.4. Other

If the ownership of the Media Outlet is different from the above, for example if the organisation is a co-operative or member-owned, the Media Outlet shall indicate its form of ownership and provide links to local legal definitions of the type of ownership. If the ownership of the Media Outlet is made up of a combination of the above types of ownership, then it shall provide a breakdown of the ownership indicating clearly which share is which ownership type.

Is the ownership of the Media Outlet or the Legal Entity different from the three previous clauses in this section? For example, is it a co-operative or member-owned?


What is the form of ownership?

Chequeado es una organización no gubernamental, apartidista, sin fines de lucro y, como tal, no tiene dueño. Fue fundada en 2010 por Julio Aranovich, José Alberto Bekinschtein y Roberto Lugo, y está dirigida por un Consejo Directivo que vela por la viabilidad económica y financiera, establece las reglas de funcionamiento de la organización, aprueba el presupuesto y el plan de trabajo anual, y periódicamente evalúa y monitorea los programas de la institución. El equipo que trabaja permanentemente en la organización son los empleados de Chequeado.

If there is a combination, explain that here along with a breakdown by ownership type.
