Media Outlet WP.PL Date of first publication 21/06/2023 Date of Latest Change 21/06/2023

8. Disclosure of Revenue Sources and Data Collection

The aim of disclosure is to be able to assess potential conflicts of interests. Media Outlets are encouraged to exceed the financial disclosure requirements mandated by their national laws in order to achieve this goal. In cases where the requirements cannot be met, a justification for non-compliance should be published.

8.1. Sources of Revenue

The Media Outlet shall disclose a list of its sources of revenue, ranked from largest to smallest. These may include subscriptions, advertising, major donors and donations, subsidies, fees, sales, memberships, sponsorships, events, etc. Organisations obliged to publish or make public their financial information shall provide a reference to the source where the data is accessible. The Media Outlet may disclose its revenue and/or the categories of its sources of revenue, including the respective ratios. A Media Outlet owned by the state or the government, or financed with public money, shall disclose the nature of its source(s) of revenue: license fees, government budget, partnerships, public subscriptions, grants, commercial advertising, or other. Where a media entity deems itself precluded from disclosure of information due to safety and security concerns as outlined in the Terms and Definitions section, these shall be explained.

What are the categories of sources of revenue for the Media Outlet, ranked from largest to smallest? These may include subscriptions, advertising, major donors, donations, subsidies, fees, sales, memberships, sponsorships, events, etc.

Digital Advertising ( CPM, CPC, PERFORMANCE-BASED)
Public aid:
1. 25.06.2020.
23,5 tys. zł
Prezes Zarządu Zarządcy Rozliczeń S.A.
Pomoc de minimis
2. 25.06.2020.
23,6 tys. zł
Prezes Zarządu Zarządcy Rozliczeń S.A.
Pomoc de minimis

Is the Media Outlet required to make financial disclosures?


Are those disclosures visible to the public?


What is the URL for those disclosures?

What is the revenue of the Media Outlet?

Annual report 2021 - 1.108.880 tys. zł.

What is the ratio of the categories of revenue sources (as in question no. 46)?

Publishing and advertising activities
Online advertising

Is there any reason for safety and security that you have given incomplete data in this section?


8.2. Data collection disclosure

Where a Media Outlet processes personal data from its audiences, on its own or by engaging with third parties, that shall be disclosed. The Media Outlet shall describe what personal data is processed, by which methods and for what purpose.

Does your Media Outlet process any personal information from online visitors on its own or with third parties?


What information is processed?

We process data disclosed or provided by you when you use WP’s Services. This is mainly data necessary to enable you to access accounts or profiles on the Services, e.g. an e-mail address, which you provide to us, for instance, in registration forms or windows available in our Services, as well as data, which you leave when you use our Services, i.e. information left by you in the so-called cookies. We also process data that you provide yourself in the Services made available to you by us as a part of the so-called “hosting” - in such case our processing is limited only to providing virtual space in which you post such data. The scope of data processed in individual WP’s Services may differ - you may always find information in this respect in the panel associated with a specific WP’s Service, and you may always ask about it our Data Protection Officer (contact details are listed below).

What is the purpose for gathering that information?

Performing a contract between WP and the user (such contracts are usually terms and conditions accepted by the user before accessing a specific Service), including providing Services to users, together with tailoring Services to users’ needs, analysing and improving Services and ensuring the security of Services (hereinafter the “performance of Services”) statistical purposes (hereinafter the “statistics”), marketing (including analysing and profiling data for marketing purposes) of the data controller’s goods and services (hereinafter the “own marketing”) marketing (including analysing and profiling of data for marketing purposes) of third parties’ goods and services of (hereinafter the “third-party marketing”).

By what methods is the information processed?

Based on their purpose, we use the following types of cookies and other similar technologies:

• those necessary for the functioning of the service and app - facilitating the use of our services, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication;
• files used to ensure security, e.g. used for detecting abuses with regard to authentication;
• performance cookies - facilitating the collection of information on how web pages and apps are used;
• functionality cookies – allowing to “remember” settings selected by the user and personalise of the user’s interface, e.g. with regard to the language or region, from which the user comes from, font size, appearance of the website, etc.;
• advertising cookies – which enable us to provide to users advertising content that is more adjusted to their interests;
• statistical cookies - used for summarising statistical data concerning websites and applications.