Media Outlet AI-Portalen Date of first publication 17/09/2024 Date of Latest Change 17/09/2024

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


Provide that statement here.

About AI-Portalen (The AIReport)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already made its way into our everyday lives, and we’ve only seen the beginning. Some researchers even compare the technology to the invention of fire or electricity. Yet, most of the population knows little about the subject and is even less interested.

That’s why, at AI-Portalen (The AIReport), we want to help inform the public about AI. We plan to do this through relevant and current stories about artificial intelligence and its significance for our daily lives and our future.

We make complex AI concepts easy to understand and accessible so you can easily navigate the digital world.

We strive to make AI-Portalen (The AIReport) your primary source of knowledge, discussion, and development on artificial intelligence in Denmark.

At AI-Portalen (The AIReport), we aim to convey artificial intelligence to "ordinary" people – that is, those who do not have extensive prior knowledge of the subject. We are not convinced that large language models (LLMs) or AI, in general, are a passing fad. On the contrary, we can observe that major breakthroughs are happening in this field today, and excitement is high. However, those who see potential risks in the technology are just beginning to find their voice.

We are relevant and timely. We conduct our own investigations but also find inspiration from and are not afraid to refer to other media with relevant content. We aim to both delve deep and tackle difficult, complex, and heavy topics to place current events in context.

We are thoughtful and considerate but also critical. We are not necessarily the first to report breaking news. We take the time to understand the issues and context. We strive to treat our sources with the utmost care, particularly those who need it. However, we insist on asking the hard questions, and it is us, not the sources, who edit the news.

We are curious. We seek answers to the topics we consider important, and we listen to our sources. And we are always on the lookout for new knowledge.

Mediehuset Mennesker & Mening
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 44, st. tv.
1434 Copenhagen K

Contact and Commercial Inquiries:
Mark Sinclair Fleeton: 26338284
E-mail: mark@AI-Portalen (The AIReport).dk

AI-Portalen (The AIReport) is registered with the Press Council and complies with applicable Danish media law. If you have any questions or complaints, please contact the responsible editor-in-chief, Mark Sinclair Fleeton.

Use of Content:
All content on AI-Portalen (The AIReport) is protected by copyright law. You are welcome to cite articles from AI-Portalen (The AIReport) if you remember to credit the source and keep the quotes brief and in accordance with good citation practices. Similarly, you are welcome to link to content on AI-Portalen (The AIReport), but remember that links must not be placed in a manner that violates good marketing practices. Contact AI-Portalen (The AIReport) if you wish to use articles from the site in other contexts.

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