The Media Outlet has been independently certified according to the JTI Programme and CWA 17493:2019.

Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia

Certified by

Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia

Date of certification


Contact details

Calle 95 # 48-40
110111 BOGOTA

Media Outlet CasaMacondo Somos Historias SAS Date of first publication 31/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 22/05/2024

15. External Accountability

15.1. External Oversight

Trust in the Media Outlet is enhanced if it is subject to a form of external accountability that is effective and independent. To this end where appropriate, a Media Outlet may wish to commit to an independent and effective form of external accountability for its journalism principles, which may take the form of an external ombudsperson, press or media council or statutory regulator.

Have you committed to a system or systems of external accountability for your editorial content?


If the system is not in the above list, add it here with a URL.

g. Compromisos externos:

La empresa acepta el derecho de los periodistas a tener una vida privada y a participar en la sociedad civil. Sin embargo, el personal también debería informar al editor general si, en su capacidad de empleados, tienen intenciones de:
· Presentar pruebas ante un tribunal.
· Presidir foros públicos o seminarios organizados por organizadores profesionales de conferencias u organizaciones comerciales.
· Ocupar puestos laborales externos que tengan probabilidades de entrar en conflicto con sus deberes profesionales.
· Conducir foros públicos o políticos, o aparecer en plataformas.
· Presentar quejas o entregar pruebas a un ente oficial en relación con material que haya sido publicado por la empresa.

Los periodistas invitados a presidir debates o aparecer en paneles como representantes de la empresa no deberían aceptar pagos ni solicitarlos en tal concepto, a menos que la preparación o la asistencia al evento implique una dedicación significativa de horas personales.
El editor general deberá aprobar la aceptación del pago con anticipación, prestando especial atención a otras disposiciones de estas directrices, por ejemplo, las referidas a conflictos de intereses, declaración de intereses y promoción de productos comerciales.
Puede aceptarse que se cubran gastos de viaje y otros gastos relacionados dentro de lo razonable.
Por lo general, los periodistas de planta no deberían proporcionar asesoramiento sobre relaciones públicas, sobre todo a un público que haya pagado para asistir.
Consulte al editor en caso de duda.

15.2. Compliance with External Accountability

Where a Media Outlet commits to a form of external accountability, it shall comply with any guidance, structures or best practice directions issued by that body.

Is your Media Outlet committed to comply with any directions or guidance issued by the external accountability body to which you subscribe?


15.3. Absence of external oversight

External accountability is not always possible due to the absence of such mechanisms in many countries or a lack of confidence in the efficacy, independence or trustworthiness of existing mechanisms. Where this is the case it may be helpful for the Media Outlet to state the reasons for non-compliance, taking into account the legal requirements applicable to particular media. The Media Outlet may in certain cases align with other media entities to participate in a more appropriate mechanism.

Is your Media Outlet subject to an external regulatory mechanism for content that you find it not possible to comply with?


15.4. Contact Details of External Accountability Bodies

Where a Media Outlet commits to a form of external accountability, it shall publicise the process by which the public can contact that body to complain about potential breaches of its Editorial Guidelines in a manner that is easily accessible for all.

Are the mechanisms for the public to complain about breaches of your Editorial Guidelines to an external body publicly available?


What is the link?


15.5. Other Associations

The Media Outlet may publicly list its membership of all bodies that require members to adhere to published guidelines, standards or norms to maintain status in that organisation. Best practice is to publish which groups a Media Outlet is a member of, listing the names and contact details.

Do you belong to any other bodies that require members to adhere to published guidelines, standards or norms to maintain status in that organisation?
