The Media Outlet has been independently certified according to the JTI Programme and CWA 17493:2019.

Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia

Certified by

Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia

Date of certification


Contact details

Calle 95 # 48-40
110111 BOGOTA

Media Outlet CasaMacondo Somos Historias SAS Date of first publication 31/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 22/05/2024

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


Provide that statement here.

CasaMacondo es un medio de comunicación digital independiente de libre acceso al público, que investiga y publica historias sobre la vulneración de los derechos humanos, ambientales y animales; la corrupción y la cultura, con un periodismo que responde a los más altos estándares del oficio y que se reconoce como un aporte a la indispensable necesidad de tener sociedades bien informadas. Apelamos por el libre acceso a la información, la libertad de prensa y la pluralidad de opiniones, entendiendo que los discursos de odio no tienen cabida en nuestro medio. Rechazamos la censura y nos exigimos actuar de manera responsable y profesional.
Nos revisamos constantemente y nos sometemos a la estricta auditoría que conlleva la Certificación ISO y las audiencias de CasaMacondo.

Is that statement posted online?


What is the URL where it is published?
