Media Outlet RAINEWS24 Legal Entity RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. Date of first publication 29/04/2022 Date of Latest Change 24/05/2024

3. Public Service Media

3.1. Public Service Media Mission, Governance and Independence

The Media Outlet shall describe its public service mission and the legal instrument on which it is based. It shall describe its governance structure, including the role of all relevant governance bodies or organisations (for example, regulator, supervisory board, government/parliament role). It shall state how its financial income is generated and what proportion of its financial resources are totally or partially provided by public funds. It shall state if both external and internal governance measures guarantee its editorial independence.

Is the Media Outlet a Public Service Media?


What is the public service mission for which it is responsible?

Rai undertakes to provide a public service offering based on the following principles: a) to make available and understandable - in a variety of forms of dissemination - on different platforms, a range of content, in different formats and programme categories, conforming to the principles of impartiality, independence and pluralism, covering all the different social, cultural and political conditions and options, so that everyone can independently form opinions and ideas and participate actively and consciously in national life, so as to ensure learning and the development of the critical, civil and ethical awareness of the national community also abroad, respecting the law and the duty to report the truth of the facts and of the right to be informed; b) to take care to reach out to the different sections of society, paying attention to its diversity in terms of gender, generations, ethnic, cultural and religious identity, as well as to minorities and persons with disabilities, in order to foster the development of an inclusive, fair, cohesive and diverse society and to promote participation in democratic life by means of appropriate programmes and initiatives; c) to convey information aimed at creating a culture of legality, respect for gender diversity and sexual orientation, as well as to promote and enhance the family, equal opportunities, respect for the individual, civil coexistence, and the opposition to all forms of violence; d) to adopt management criteria that ensure transparency and efficiency, particularly in terms of the use of public resources.
2. Rai is required to articulate its offer taking into account, within the framework of long-term actions, the following objectives: a) collective identity and civic sense: to foster social and cultural development, and the principles of cooperation, solidarity and subsidiarity; b) audiovisual system: to develop measures to enhance the cultural, creative and talent system and support the growth of the audiovisual industry both qualitatively and quantitatively, also with a view to increasing its international reach; c) digital literacy: to contribute to spreading the use of information and communication technologies, in support of innovation and the country's economic growth; d) to promote the development of vocational education and training; e) Italian system: supporting the country abroad by promoting its excellences and the most virtuous experiences in synergy with economic, cultural and scientific institutional relations.
3. Rai is also committed to promoting the growth of the quality of its overall offering, to be pursued through the following objectives: a) to reach out to different audiences through a variety of general programming, with particular focus on programmes that foster social cohesion; b) to experiment with an original approach, with new formats and languages, textual and visual, offering them to the public, also for the purpose of comparison with other operators, as a workshop for innovative programmes, able to involve even the youngest; c) to promote the image of the country, through the development of projects that could potentially interest the international public; d) to promote social and cultural engagement, by defining an offer designed to foster the development, within the national community, of civic citizenship and a full social identity, including through knowledge of and participation in the life of the institutions and in the democratic process; e) to disseminate the values of acceptance and inclusion, respect for the law and human dignity; f) to disseminate the values of family and parenting g) to overcome gender stereotypes, in order to promote equality and to respect the image and dignity of women, also in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination; h) to guarantee the protection of minors, scrupulously observing all the rules set out to protect their proper physical, mental and moral development, even in offerings not specifically targeted to them; i) to encourage users of the service, especially minors, to explore issues in a wide range of learning areas, with a particular focus on science, including through joint initiatives with educational and cultural institutions; l) to increase the accessibility of the services offered to persons with disabilities; m) to support digital literacy, to help bridge the cultural and social divide in the use of new technologies; n) to contribute to research and technological innovation and experiment with new broadcasting methods, in line with the evolution of the market, also with a view to fostering the industrial development of the country's key infrastructures.

Is this governed by legislation?


What law or legal instrument specifies its role and responsibilities?

TUSMAR (Consolidated Law on Audiovisual and Radio Media Services - lgs. decree n. 177/2005 as last amended by the Rai Reform Law of 28 December 2015, n. 220) the Charter of Service, the Code of Ethics, the Organisation, Management and Control Model.

Provide a reference URL here.

A part from TUSMAR, the others instruments are available on

What are the stakeholders with which it has formal relations, and what is the nature of the relationship?

Emplyees and collaborators, shareholders, institutions, authorities and regulatory bodies, trade unions. The company keeps a deep relationship with its stakeholders through a permanent flow of informations made by workshops, e-learning, assemblees, meetings, question time, reports depending on the different kinds.. of stakeholders

How is income generated?

License fee
Other revenues

What portion of income is public funds?


Does the governance guarantee editorial independence?


State here in what way.

The editorial independence is guaranteed through the editor-in-chief.
Article 3 of Law 47/1948 requires that each Media Outlet, newspaper or periodical must have a responsible editor. The editor-in-chief is responsible for adopting the necessary decisions to guarantee the autonomy of the Media Outlet, the contents of the Media Outlet and whatever is possible. be published.