Media Outlet Date of first publication 21/03/2025 Date of Latest Change 21/03/2025

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


Provide that statement here.

Becoming a credible media has been our determination and vision since the beginning, besides that it is indeed a necessity. We always strive for this in various work steps and operational activities, not only in editorial work, but also in corporate governance such as starting from employee recruitment, especially journalists. We will not employ journalists who are not credible.

We also maintain credibility by complying with regulations, codes of ethics, and other regulations, especially those related to work professionalism. In this case, as a digital media is not only under the auspices of and guided by all regulations in the Press Law, but also follows the Cyber ​​Media Reporting Guidelines issued by the Press Council. Meanwhile, our journalists are also always bound and work according to the Journalistic Code of Ethics.

In relation to the Journalistic Code of Ethics, not only as an institution emphasizes being an honest, balanced and independent media, but our journalists must also be impartial and non-partisan. Including in terms of their relationship with elements of power, government, figures or political parties for example, they are always firmly reminded of the existence of a "fire line" which must also be shown in their journalistic works.

As the Press Law and the Journalistic Code of Ethics have also implied, it is everyone's right to have a political choice and even to be involved in politics. But for journalists, it must be in the personal realm that cannot be mixed up with their work as journalists, especially if it affects their journalistic works. Furthermore, we also have internal regulations that ensure that if journalists are truly involved or have plunged into the political arena, then they should no longer be our journalists.

We also prove our credibility and independence by becoming one of the media that, from the first opportunity, immediately registered with the Press Council and entered as an Administratively and Factually Verified Media. Although in fact, what is more real is our daily efforts to always produce quality reports or journalistic works that are trustworthy. Recently, this has also been proven by the inclusion of, a founding member of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Association (AMSI), as one of the media that meets the indicators of the level of public trust in news reporting (Trustworthy News).

Some examples of our quality reporting can be found on the LIKS (Liputan Khas Suara) page, which for example (in regular page format) once included special coverage of the trial of a child with the threat of the death penalty, special coverage of human cages in Langkat, the tragedy of the Kanjuruhan Stadium, and so on. Also included there are several collaborative reports with other credible media, including with IndonesiaLeaks, such as the Red Book at the KPK, problematic Covid-19 test reagents, to the latest such as the Pegasus spy technology. Almost all of these reports have a real impact, at least by becoming a hot topic of conversation among the public, and some even provoke follow-up from related institutions or wider media attention.

Other pages or products that demonstrate our efforts to become a credible media, through journalistic products that can be trusted and can be used as references or references are Cek Fakta articles. This is a product that we have started working on almost simultaneously with the formation of the collaboration with several organizations and dozens of other media in 2018, a time when the spread of hoaxes or disinformation in Indonesia was increasingly widespread and worried many parties. This was also a year later, we ensured that its credibility was verified by becoming one of the signatories of the IFCN Code of Principles.

Funding and Transparency

As an entity,, which operates under the legal name of PT Arkadia Media Nusantara, is indeed not a non-profit institution, but rather a media company that also runs a business to obtain income or funding sources.'s funding sources are mainly from advertising revenue (advertorials, banner ads, programmatic ads and so on), as well as from other sources that are legitimate, do not violate the rules, and are not binding. That too remains with the application of a clear "fire line" between business and editorial activities.

In terms of funding sources, although not all the time, there are indeed some that come from the government, power holders, or political power, economic power and others. But such sources are certain not to influence our editorial policies or the journalistic products produced, because of the principle of independence that we have indeed upheld.

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