6. Disclosure of Identity of the Management Team and its Location
The organisational structure of the Media Outlet shall be publicly available with up-to-date information on the names, positions and contact details of the people in charge. The address, usually the headquarters, shall be clearly indicated. If the company has several offices based in different places, their addresses shall also be disclosed. If the physical address cannot be stated for security concerns a correspondence address shall be provided.
6.1. Management Directory
Chief executive officer, managing director, directors, all the people holding responsibility in the company shall clearly be identified. Their name, position and professional contact details shall be disclosed.
What are the names, positions, and contact details of all members of management for the Media Outlet?
Executive Editors:
Arsito Hidayatullah
Rendy Adrikni Sadikin
Deputy Chief Editor: Reza Gunadha
Syaiful Rachman
Liberty Jemadu
Ferry Noviandi
Agung Sandy Lesmana
Bimo Aria Fundrika
Reky Kalumata
Pebriansyah Ariefana
Yazir Farouk
Rully Fauzi
Dythia Novianty
Vania Rossa
RR Ukirsari Manggalani
Iwan Supriyatna
Bangun Santoso
Muhammad Reza Sulaiman
Risna Halidi
Erick Tanjung
Arief Apriadi
Ria Rizki Nirmala Sari
Danny Garjito
Mohammad Rifan Aditya
Farah Nabilla
Mohamad Nurhadi
Chyntia Sami Bhayangkara
Regional Coordinator: Chandra Iswinarno
Regional Editors:
Galih Priatmojo (SuaraJogja)
Muhammad Yunus (SuaraSulsel)
Budi Arista Romadhoni (SuaraJawaTengah)
Eko Faizin (SuaraRiau)
Suhardiman (SuaraSumut)
Tasmalinda (SuaraSumsel)
Riki Chandra (SuaraSumbar)
Wakos Reza Gautama (SuaraLampung)
Andi Ahmad S (SuaraBogor)
Hairul Alwan (SuaraBanten)
Ronald Seger Prabowo (SuaraSurakarta)
Denada S Putri (SuaraKaltim)
Eviera Paramita Sandi (SuaraBali)
Eliza Gusmeri (SuaraBatam)
Galih Prasetyo (SuaraBekaci)
Bella (SuaraKalbar)
Jakarta Coverage/News Coordinator:
Dwi Bowo Raharjo
Adie Prasetyo Nugraha
Manuel Jeghesta
Muhamad Yasir
Achmad Fauzi
Fakhri Fuadi Muflih
Mohammad Fadil
Novian Ardiansyah
Bagaskara Isdiansyah
Yaumal Adi Hutasuhut
Dicky Prastya
Rakha Arlyanto
Faqih Fathurrahman
Rena Pangesti
Adiyoga Priyambodo
Dini Afrianti Efendi
Lilis Varwati
Dea Hardiningsih Irianto
Photographer: Alfian Winanto
Content Writers:
Fabiola Febrinastri (Copy Writer)
Restu Fadilah
Iman Firmansyah
Lintang Siltya Utami
Dinda Rachmawati
Fita Nofiana
Creative Video Team:
Iramdani (Produser)
Dendi Afriyan (Asisten Produser)
Rinaldi Aban (Asisten Produser)
Adit Rianto Saputro
Hyoga Dewa Murti
Yulita Futty Hapsari
Fatikha Rizky Asteria N
Contact details:
PT. Arkadia Media Nusantara
Address: Jln Mega Kuningan Timur Blok C6 Kav.9
Kawasan Mega Kuningan,
Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Tel: 62 21 - 50101239
Email: redaksi@suara.com
Advertising: sales@suara.com
Send your writings to: yoursay@suara.com.
If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.
The contact details can be accessed through this link: https://www.suara.com/pages/kontak
For security and privacy reasons, including the protection of personal data, we do not disclose any personal information about our staff or management.
6.2. Location of Branches and Offices
The location of the headquarters, main branches and offices of the Media Outlet shall be disclosed, including the full address, a contact phone number and email address.
What is the physical address, phone number and email address of the headquarters of the Media Outlet?
Sahid Sudirman Center LT. 19 Unit B - C
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 86 RT/RW. 010/011
Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Email: investor@arkadiacorp.com
Operational Newsroom:
PT. Arkadia Media Nusantara
Address: Jln Mega Kuningan Timur Blok C6 Kav.9
Kawasan Mega Kuningan,
Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Tel: 62 21 - 50101239
Email: redaksi@suara.com
Advertising: sales@suara.com
Send your writings to: yoursay@suara.com.
Does the Media Outlet have other main branches and offices?
YesWhat are the physical addresses, including phone numbers and email addresses, of those other main branches and offices?
Soropadan, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55283