Media Outlet KOREA JOONGANG DAILY Date of first publication 15/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 15/01/2024

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


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The Korea JoongAng Daily: Editorial Guidelines
Our Mission
The Korea JoongAng Daily is a provider of quality journalism, recognizing that reliable, useful and above all trustworthy information plays a crucial role in society.
Our aim is to report and to inform the public. In doing so we endeavor to respect the freedoms that come with democracy, human rights and pluralism of opinion.
We recognize that such power demands responsibility and we aim to ensure that our journalists behave professionally, while protecting their ability to investigate and report freely.

Editorial Guidelines
The purpose of these Editorial Guidelines is to protect and foster trust with our readers, and to protect the integrity of the Korea JoongAng Daily and its journalism, in whatever format it is published.
These guidelines form a practical working tool for our staff and they reinforce our commitment to the core principles of journalism – accuracy and fact-based communications; impartiality and fairness; humanity and respect for others; editorial independence; and accountability through transparency.
The guidelines set out our expectations of the behavior of our staff, contractors and all others who contribute to editorial content. They cover three areas: general newsroom management and practice, basic editorial rules and conflicts of interest.
The guidelines apply to all staff and are implemented in accordance with the organization’s management structure. They are monitored by senior staff and the executive editor.
They are intended to be easily understood by the public and will be applied to all content, newsgathering and production activities for which the publisher of the Korea JoongAng Daily is responsible.
With this in mind, the company has developed verification guidelines for dealing with online user content or other information received from the public at large.
In applying these guidelines, the Korea JoongAng Daily dedicates its journalism to the public interest and the people’s right of access to public information.

The public interest includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• The revelation or discussion of matters such as incompetence, malpractice or unethical behavior in public life
• Putting the record straight where an individual or organization has misled the public on a matter of public importance
• Revealing that a person or organization may be failing to comply with their legal obligations
• The proper administration of government at all levels of society
• The open, fair and effective administration of justice
• Public health and safety
• National security
• The prevention and detection of crime
• The economic, educational and social development of society
• The discussion or analysis of artistic or cultural works

In defense of these public interests the Korea JoongAng Daily is committed to:
A. Editorial independence and ensuring that all forms of advertising, sponsored content or other commercial editorial products are clearly marked and distinguished from editorial material produced in line with the core principles of journalism
B. The prohibition of any content, whether editorial or publicly generated, on the grounds of defamation, hate-speech, invasion of privacy or abuse

These guidelines may form part of a journalist’s contract of employment, and may also be part of any disciplinary, promotional or recruitment procedures for either editorial management or journalists.
By observing our guidelines and the core principles of journalism, journalists working for the Korean JoongAng Daily will be protecting the independence, standing and reputation of themselves and their colleagues.

Note: As a bilingual newsroom, the Korea JoongAng Daily has a slightly different structure due to the need for editorial expertise in terms of both content and language. Each department of the paper is run by a desk head or desk chief responsible for assigning stories and supporting and managing reporters, with a separate team of language editors responsible for English literacy and storytelling.

1. General practice

a) Anonymous contributions
Articles commissioned by the Korea JoongAng Daily are published anonymously or with pseudonyms only in exceptional circumstances, for example if the author's safety, privacy or livelihood is threatened, and then only with the permission of the managing editor. In such cases, readers will be made aware that identities have been withheld and an explanation given. This provision need not apply to authors with established pseudonyms commissioned or hosted by the Korea JoongAng Daily in that capacity.

b) Payments for Editorial Material
In general, we do not pay for stories, except from bona fide freelance sources. The managing editor must approve rare exceptions.
In dealing with public officials, journalists must be aware that Korean law recognizes a number of criminal offences, which can be prosecuted. These include bribery by offering someone a financial or other advantage to improperly perform an activity, or being bribed or bribing a foreign public official.
Staff should always discuss with the managing editor beforehand or clarify policy with senior management if they are concerned that any payments might be inappropriate and, if such payments are requested or made, they should inform the executive editor of the circumstances as soon as they are able to afterwards.

c) Freelance staff
The Korea JoongAng Daily supports good commissioning practice, including fair treatment of freelancers. Desk chiefs should make reference to good practice when commissioning new contributors.

d) Confidentiality
Responsible desk chiefs and team leaders with access to personal information relating to other members of staff must treat such information as confidential and not disclose it to anyone except in the course of discharging formal responsibilities.

e) Copyright
Journalists should not use content from non-authorized third-party sources — whether pictures, text or other media — without obtaining the necessary permissions. However, use of available copyrighted material under news access or criticism and review is acceptable if permitted under Korean law.
There are limited legal situations where permission may not be needed but journalists must check with the responsible desk chiefs dealing with images or the legal department before using material without permission.
Journalists should especially familiarize themselves with rules regarding the rights and use of content from public websites.

f) Errors
It is our policy to correct significant errors as soon as possible. Journalists have a duty to cooperate frankly and openly with the responsible desk chief, editor and senior management and to report errors to them. All complaints should be recorded and brought to the attention of the responsible desk chief.
The process of making and dealing with complaints should be made known to the public.
If a significant correction is made after an article is published, the nature of the correction should be indicated in italics at the end of the online version of article.

g) Legal Affairs
The laws of libel and contempt laws are complex, and constantly developing. The consequences of court actions can be expensive and damaging for our reputation.
Staff should:
i) familiarize themselves with the current state of the law and seek further information if they are uncertain about aspects of it;
ii) consult legal support about specific concerns on stories;
iii) brief themselves on national legal conditions and active cases relevant to their work.

h) Privacy
We are committed to respecting people’s privacy. Much journalism may be intrinsically intrusive but we should avoid invading anyone’s privacy unnecessarily. There are times, when a clear public interest is to be served, that journalists may have to sacrifice privacy protection.
Proportionality and proper prior consideration are essential where privacy issues may be involved. Intrusion must be justified by the seriousness of the story and the public good that is likely to follow from publication. Where possible it should be authorized at a senior level.
Likewise, the grounds for investigation must be strong; we do not conduct speculative reporting expeditions unless the issue, suspicion and prospects of success are all serious.
Caution should also be exercised about reporting and publishing identifying details, such as street names and numbers that may enable others to intrude on the privacy or safety of people who have become the subject of media coverage.

i) Engagement with the public
Our most important relationship is the one we have with our readers and site users. Courtesy applies whether an exchange takes place in person, by telephone, letter or email.
The company recognizes that communication online, e.g. in blogs and social media domains, can be more informal, brisk and, where a debate is underway, combative — but journalists should be mindful of the guidelines on blogging and social media.
In using social media journalists with a known association with the company should not make public pronouncements that may compromise the integrity of the company or call into question their own journalistic independence or that go against the spirit of professionalism set out in these guidelines.

2. Editorial Rules

a) Accuracy and Verification
Trust in the accuracy, authenticity and reliability of our information is essential. Digital communications present special challenges and we insist on seeking reliable corroboration of information.
Journalists should state the level of substantiation we have been able to achieve and indicate where we have been unable to verify the facts independently.
We do not state as fact information about or from someone who we cannot authenticate (e.g., “A student who says she witnessed the riot” not “A student who witnessed the riot”).
Where relevant, we are open with readers in explaining what medium is used to conduct interviews and how we have verified information. Satisfaction with sources is the responsibility of editors as well as reporters and correspondents, and desk chiefs should be confident in challenging the dependability of information.

b) Attribution and Anonymous quotations
People often speak more honestly if they can speak anonymously and non-attributed quotes can assist the reader towards a truer understanding of a subject. But indiscriminate use of anonymous sources can be used to promote narrow undisclosed political, commercial or other special interests.
There may be exceptional circumstances when anonymous pejorative quotes may be used, but only after consultation with the responsible desk chief. In the absence of specific approval, we should paraphrase anonymous pejorative quotes.
We strive to be honest about our sources, even if we can’t name them.

c) Sources of Information
Sources who give information and who put themselves at risk may be promised confidentiality. They should be protected at all costs. However, where possible, the sources of information should be identified as specifically as possible.
Staff must not reproduce other people’s material without attribution, except in exceptional circumstances – for example where the source must be protected — and only then with the permission of the managing editor.
The source of published material obtained from another organization should be acknowledged, including quotes taken from other newspaper articles.
Bylines should be carried only on material that is substantially the work of the named journalist. If an article contains a significant amount of news agency copy then the news agency should also be credited.

d) Copy approval
The general rule is that interviewees or third parties should not be given the right to copy approval. In certain circumstances we may allow people to see copy or quotes in the interests of accuracy but we are not required to alter copy.
Offering copy approval should be avoided as a method of securing interviews or co-operation and should always be discussed with the managing editor.

e) Reporting Children
Special care should be taken when dealing with children (the rights of the child in international law cover individuals under the age of 18).
Children should not be asked questions beyond their knowledge and capacity to answer.
The managing editor must be informed when children are photographed or interviewed without the consent of a responsible adult or parent.
Consent to publication should be sought where the child is reasonably considered able to make an informed decision.
Journalists should not make significant intrusions into children's private lives without their understanding and consent. If this happens it must be accompanied by a strong public interest justification.
In view of the longevity of online material, desk chiefs should consider whether to obscure children's identities to protect them from embarrassment or harm as they grow older.

f) Direct quotations
Journalists and editors should never change direct quotations to alter their context or meaning, although minor editing may be needed for clarity.
Quotations that include falsehoods should be qualified with additional language, particularly when used in headlines or excerpts in Social Media.

g) Endorsements
Journalists should not agree to promote through copy, photographs or footnotes the financial interests of prospective interviewees or contributors, or their sponsors, as a means of securing access to them.
Promotional information about a subject should be included only where it is of genuine interest or assistance to the reader.

h) Fairness and Use of Language
We aim to provide inclusive and fair reporting which seeks to give voice to people or groups who are criticized. The more serious the criticism or allegations we are reporting the greater the obligation to allow the subject the opportunity to respond.
This right of response should be recognized for individuals and for groups, including minority groups, where general criticisms are made.
Our journalists and editors respect the reader and we should not casually use words that are likely to offend. The use of swear words, for instance, should only be when absolutely necessary to the facts of a piece, or to portray a character in an article and then used in direct quotes. We avoid using such language in headlines or otherwise highlighting such words and we never use asterisks.
Fairness does not mean ‘false’ equivalence of all viewpoints. Where scientific or other evidence points to a certain conclusion beyond reasonable doubt, competing ones should not be presented as viable alternatives.

i) Grief
People should be treated with sensitivity in reporting periods of grief and trauma.

j) Photographs, videos and images
Altering pictures or distorting audio-visual material is generally unacceptable. Where it takes place there should be clear indication that the images have been changed and digitally enhanced or altered, images, montages and illustrations should be clearly labelled.

k) Ethnicity
In general, we do not publish someone’s race or ethnic background or religion unless that information is relevant to the story. We do not report the race of criminal suspects unless the ethnic background is part of a description that seeks to identify them or is important to the story (for example, in the case of hate crime).

l) Subterfuge
Journalists should be frank and identify themselves as company employees when working on a story. This applies to anything we publish, including any information obtained by the subterfuge of others. (See Privacy section above).

m) Self-harm:
Journalists are asked to exercise care in reporting self-harm, in particular, cases of suicide. People who take their own lives are often disturbed more than people who carry out less extreme forms of self-harm, but in all cases it is important to avoid reporting in ways that risk encouraging others or that may compromise the privacy of others involved, including close relatives.
This should be borne in mind both in presentation, including the use of pictures, and in describing the method of self-harm.
When appropriate, a helpline number should be given, general information related to suicide prevention and support groups should be provided. The following boilerplate should be added at the bottom of any relevant article:
If you or someone you know is feeling emotionally distressed or struggling with thoughts of suicide, LifeLine Korea can be contacted at 1588-9191. The Seoul Foreign Resident Center offers English-language counseling. Contact 02-2229-4900 to arrange a session. Other international helplines can be found at

3. Conflicts of interest
The Korea JoongAng Daily values our reputation for independence and integrity. Journalists clearly have lives, interests, hobbies, convictions and beliefs outside their work.
We aim to ensure that outside interests do not come into conflict with our journalism or compromise our editorial integrity.
The following guidelines concern all active outside interests which, should they remain undeclared and become known, would cause a fair-minded reader to question the independence of our editorial work.
We recognise that objectivity is not a one-size-fits-all rule. A columnist, for instance, with views openly on display, may have more latitude than a staff reporter, who would be expected to bring rigorous qualities of objectivity to their work. If in doubt, journalists should consult a member of management or the managing editor.

a) Free gifts
Staff should not be influenced by commercial considerations — including the interests of advertisers — in the preparation of material for the paper.
No members of our staff, or freelancers with known connection to us, should use their position to obtain private benefit for themselves or others. We do not allow any payment, gift or other advantage to undermine the accuracy, fairness or independence of our journalism.
Any attempts to induce favorable editorial treatment through the offer of gifts or favors should be reported to a desk chief. Where relevant, payments, gifts or other advantages will be disclosed.
Staff members should not use their positions to seek any benefit or advantage in personal business, financial or commercial transactions not afforded to the public generally.
Staff should not use company stationery in connection with outside matters or cite a connection with the company to resolve consumer grievances, get quicker service or seek discount or deals.
We should disclose when an airline, hotel or other interest has borne the cost of transporting or accommodating a journalist. Acceptance of any such offer is conditional on editorial managers being free to assign and report or not report any resulting story.

b) Commercial products
No journalist or freelancer primarily associated with us should endorse commercial products unless with the express permission of the responsible desk chief or managing editor. We should not be involved in producing sponsored guest reports (advertorials).

c) Outside Interests
Staff journalists have the right to activities outside work (including holding office or being otherwise actively involved in organizations, companies or political parties). However, these may sometimes be perceived as influencing or conflicting with the integrity of our journalism.
Staff should inform the managing editor about any outside personal, philosophical or financial interests that might conflict with their professional performance, or could be perceived as doing so.

d) Declarations of interest
Journalists should declare an interest when we are writing about something with which he or she has a significant connection. This applies to both staff journalists and freelances. The declaration should be to a head of department or the managing editor. Full transparency may mean disclosing the declaration in print and on the website.
A connection does not have to be a formal one before it is necessary to declare it. Acting in an advisory capacity in the preparation of a report for an organization, for example, would require a declaration.
Some connections are obvious and may be why the writer has been commissioned. These should always be stated at the end of the writer’s contribution even if he or she contributes regularly.
Generally speaking, a journalist should not write about or quote a relative or partner in a piece, even if the relative or partner is an expert in the field in question. If, for any reason, an exception is made to this rule, the connection should be made clear.
Desk chiefs should ensure that freelancers are aware of the rules and are also bound where appropriate to make any necessary declaration.

e) Declarations of corporate interest
The Korea JoongAng Daily is connected to other media companies within JoongAng Group. We should be careful to acknowledge that relationship in stories. Anyone writing a story concerning our related businesses should seek comments and/or confirmation in the normal way. Staff should familiarize themselves with the companies and interests we have.
At the end of this document we provide a summary of the areas and companies with which we have connection, either through ownership or in which it has an interest.

f) Financial reporting
The Korea JoongAng Daily maintains a register of personal shares where the ownership of such shares may lead to a perceived conflict of interest.
All staff are expected to list all shares which are not personal investment such as provision for pensions or trusts for family members.
They should disclose transactions in other shareholdings and other investments which we believe ought to be properly disclosed because of a potential conflict of interest.
While it is acceptable for financial journalists to own shares, it is not acceptable for them to be market traders on a regular basis. It is most important that the register is kept and that all information is up to date.

These Editorial Guidelines:
• Prohibit the use of financial information for the profit of journalists or their associates;
• Impose restrictions on journalists writing about shares in which they or their close families have a significant interest without internal disclosure;
• Stop journalists dealing in shares about which they have written recently or intend to write in the near future; and
• Require that financial journalists take care not to publish inaccurate material and to distinguish between comment, conjecture and fact.
This is particularly important for any journalists making investment recommendations to readers about whether to buy, sell or hold shares.

g) Outside engagements
The company accepts the journalist’s right to a private life and the right to take part in civic society. However, staff should inform the responsible desk chief or managing editor if, in their capacity as an employee, they intend to:
• Give evidence to any court,
• Chair public forums or seminars arranged by professional conference organizers or commercial organizations,
• Undertake any outside employment likely to conflict with their professional duties,
• Chair public or political forums or appear on platforms,
• Make representations or give evidence to any official body in connection with material that has been published by the company.
Journalists invited to chair debates or appear on panels as a representative of the company should not usually accept or request payment for doing so, unless preparation or attendance at the event involves a significant call on private time.
Acceptance of payment should be approved in advance by the responsible desk chief or managing editor having particular regard for other clauses within these guidelines, such as conflict of interest, declarations of interest and endorsement of commercial products. Travel and other reasonable expenses may be accepted.
In general, staff journalists should not provide public relations advice, especially to an audience that has paid to attend. Please consult the managing editor if in doubt.

h) Relationships
Staff members should not write about, create film or take photographs or make news judgments about any relation or individual related by marriage or with whom the staff member has a close personal, financial or romantic relationship. A staff member who is placed in a circumstance in which the potential for this kind of conflict exists should advise his or her department head.
Note: Where a journalist or editor has concerns about the ethical implications of behavior or conduct in any aspect of editorial work, including issues raised in these guidelines, we should seek advice from the managing editor or senior management of the Korea JoongAng Daily. In certain cases, we may seek advice also from appropriate industry bodies or experts (e.g. a press council or external ombudsman).

These guidelines were ratified by the Korea JoongAng Daily Editorial Board:
Choi Ji-young Executive Editor
Chun Young-sun Managing Editor
Lee Ho-jeong Head of National
Park Eun-jee Head of Business
Yim Seung-hye Head of Culture
Jim Bulley Head of Sports
Kim Jee-hee Head of Digital

Last updated on Nov. 8, 2023

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