Media Outlet COLOMBIACHECK Date of first publication 26/09/2024 Date of Latest Change 26/09/2024

5. Requirements on Owners’ Identity

The identity of owners shall be disclosed: including direct owners, indirect or beneficial owners, shareholders, indirect or beneficial shareholders. Information on any type of influence and/or conflict of interest should be provided and monitored internally. The information shall be updated on an annual basis and easy to access, preferably online. If the Outlet has no website, the information should be published or communicated clearly in all its publications or transmissions.

5.1. Names of Owners and Board Members

The names of direct, indirect, controlling or beneficial owners shall be disclosed. If any of these is also the beneficial owner of another company, the name and main activities of that company shall be clearly stated. The business sectors in which these other companies are operating shall also be indicated. The names of the members of supervisory structures, like the board, shall also be disclosed. If any of these persons is an active member of a political party or movement, holder of an elected office, or a candidate to a political election, the name of that party or movement shall be clearly stated.

What are the names of all direct, indirect or beneficial owners?

Al ser un proyecto de Consejo de Redacción, se rige por los mismos principios de las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Por este motivo, Colombiacheck no tiene propietarios en el sentido tradicional de las empresas privadas. Todos los asociados (un número variable que está por encima de los 100) tienen un interés colectivo en la misión y los objetivos de la organización en general y de Colombiacheck en particular, pero no tienen propiedad individual sobre los activos.

Are the names of the owners in the previous question available online?


What are the names of the members of supervisory boards?

Las decisiones estratégicas relacionadas con ColombiaCheck son tomadas por el Comité Directivo de Consejo de Redacción. Este está conformado en la actualidad por:

1. Dora Montero, presidenta
2. Élber Gutiérrez, vicepresidente
3. Andrés Alejandro Córdoba
4. Margaret Sánchez
5. Betty Martínez Fajardo
6. José Guarnizo Álvarez
7. Leidy Johana Castillo Muñoz

Are the names of the members of the supervisory board members in the previous question available online?


What is the URL of the page that contains the names of the people in the previous question?

Are the listed owners also founders or owners of other companies?


State here the names and main activities of those companies.

Vorágine: es un medio de comunicación nativo digital fundado y dirigido por José Guarnizo.

Tüü pütchika: se trata de un medio digital local de comunicación del departamento de la Guajira en Colombia. Fue fundado y es dirigido por Betty Martínez.

What are the business sectors for the companies listed in the previous question?

Medios de comunicación

Are any of the owners active members of a political party or movement or candidates in a political election or current office holders?


5.2. Contact Details of Direct and Indirect Owners

The contact details of direct and indirect owners shall be disclosed, preferably online, along with the contact details of the members of the board of directors.

What is the contact information for all direct and indirect owners?

Como proyecto de una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, Colombiacheck no tiene propietarios en el sentido estricto de la palabra. Sin embargo, el contacto de la presidencia de CdR, del equipo operativo de CdR y del equipo de Colombiacheck aparecen visibles en las siguientes de equipo en las páginas de CdR y de Colombiacheck.

Is the contact information in the previous question available online?


What is the URL with the contact information from the previous question?;

What is the contact information for the members of the board of directors?

Camilo A. Amaya, director de proyectos:

Jeam Paul Atara: coordinador administrativo:

Ana María Saavedra, directora de Colombiacheck:

Is the contact information in the previous question available online?


What is the URL with the contact information from the previous question?

5.3. Names of Shareholders

The names of direct and beneficial majority or controlling shareholders shall be disclosed. If the shareholder is a company, the name and main activities of that company shall be clearly stated. The business sector in which this company is operating shall also be indicated.

What are the names of the direct, majority or controlling shareholders? (If shareholders are companies, list the main activity and business sector of that company along with the name.)

Al ser una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, no tienen accionistas de ningún tipo.

5.4. Percentage of Shareholdings

The percentage of the controlling shareholdings should be disclosed, regardless of the percentage.

List the shareholders and the percentage of the holdings.


5.5. Exception for Member-owned Media Outlets

The names and contact information for all owners is not required to be disclosed, but it is required for the leadership, e. g. the Board of Directors according to clauses 5.1 and 5.2.

Is the Media Outlet member-owned?
