Media Outlet Date of first publication 03/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 04/12/2023

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

Does your Media Outlet have an editorial mission statement, or stated set of principles or editorial values?


Provide that statement here. is an online magazine that tells about the people and things that make Sumy a place of strength. We share the stories that inspire people to live and create in our city.

Our team consists of full-time employees, freelancers, and volunteers who create content for the website and social media.

You can support financially, become a ghostwriter, or offer another format of participation. Thanks to the active community, we have already implemented many projects, improved our platforms, and expanded our audience.

An important part of our team is also dozens of volunteers who help develop the website and other platforms, and donors - people who finance with money every month.

Is that statement posted online?


What is the URL where it is published?