Media Outlet Gipsy Television Date of first publication 11/06/2024 Date of Latest Change 11/06/2024

2. Editorial Mission

2.1. Editorial Mission Statement

The Media Outlet shall disclose its editorial mission statement which shall be consistent with the fundamental ethical principles of trustworthy journalism, and, as described in the Preamble, should incorporate principles of: ethical practice, good governance, self-regulation and Engagement with the public. A Media Outlet shall set out how it proposes to uphold these journalism principles through its Editorial Guidelines and processes which shall include arrangements in relation to internal accountability and of appropriate external accountability (see clauses 9 – 15). Best practice is to have these arrangements codified and made available publicly.

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The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish a rules of conduct for Gipsy Television staff and to inform readers of its values and principles of work. Gipsy Television's redactors, commentators, editors, photographers and graphic designers follow this code of ethics.
I. The purpose
1. Gipsy Television employees as well as all other employees who are subject to Gipsy Television's professional guarantor (hereinafter referred to as “employees”). The good name of Gipsy Television depends on the reputation of people working there. Therefore, outside the workplace as well, employees should follow the basic principles contained in this Code.
2. Gipsy Television expects the principles contained in this Code to be followed by its external contributors and collaborators.
II. Basic principles
1. Gipsy Television holds the values of personal freedom, justice and decency. In its work, it seeks to promote these values in society.
2. The guiding principles of Gipsy Television's employees in their work are impartiality, balance, objectivity, truthfulness and thorough verification of facts.
3. Gipsy Television emphasizes the compliance with legal regulations valid and effective in the Slovak Republic.
All employees are obliged to comply with these regulations without exception, especially relating to innovations concerning legislation 91/2016 of Codex on the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and on Amendments to Certain Acts. In case of even suspicion of violation of the Criminal Code, respectively of legislation 91/2016 of Codex by the employee, the Gipsy Television operator is entitled to draw the appropriate consequences including the possible termination of any contractual cooperation with the employee. In such a case, the employee is obliged to compensate the publisher for any damage, which arises as a result of the violation and, in the event of such a request by the publisher, also to publicly apologize to the publisher and its readers.
III. Conflict of interests
1. Employees shall inform their supervisor whenever they are working on a task involving a conflict of interests, in particular if that task concerns their family members, relatives, business and entrepreneurial interests. They can only work on the task with his consent.
2. Employees shall not, in the performance of their work or in connection therewith, accept gifts or other benefits which could jeopardize their impartiality and objectivity or which may be construed as an attempt to influence their work. Exceptions to this rule are normally provided small promotional items and refreshments at press conferences, usually up to a maximum of € 20.
3. The costs of staff travel shall be borne by Gipsy Television. The professional guarantor may allow an exception to this rule. If the travel costs or part of them are paid by a third participant, the employee must point this out in his text. The employee cannot promise a third participant to inform about the event.
4. Employees accept tickets only for those events about which they are going to write, shoot a television report or photograph them, or the events are otherwise related to the performance of their work. If the operator obtains tickets from media partners, employees can take part in the ticket draw.
5. Employees do not sell advertising and under no circumstances can they take a commission of its sale. They can provide a contact to the sales department to those interested in advertising.
IV. Guarantees of neutrality
1. Employees shall inform their superiors whenever they wish to accept awards from foundations, public authorities or other bodies.
2. Employees shall not carry out any political activity. Employees can express their opinion on serious social events by signing a petition. If the employee signs a petition, he/she informs the professional guarantor. An employee who signs a petition related to a problem or event reported by Gipsy Television Daily News may no longer cover the event as an author. 3. Employees shall not organize assemblies or civic campaigns or initiatives. If they are involved in such activities, they proceed in the same way as in the case of the petition. 4. Employees shall inform their superiors of their cooperation with public authorities and non- profit organizations, in particular of their membership in grant commissions, expert commissions, working groups, boards of directors, trade unions and the like. Information about such activities must be provided in their personal profile on the Internet.
V. Relations with competitors
1. All news websites, televisions and radios shall be considered competing titles of Gipsy Television.
2. Employees are prohibited from cooperating with competing titles. Only Gipsy Television's professional guarantor can give consent.
3. Gipsy Television does not publish news texts of external contributors who cooperate with competing titles.
4. External contributors who collaborate with competing titles may publish reviews and journalistic texts on the Gipsy Television website, even if they are employees of competing titles.
5. Employees may appear in competing titles, as well as on radio or television, only with the consent of a professional guarantor. Exceptions are cases where they do not act on behalf of Gipsy Television and their appearance is not related to their work.

VI. Relations with sources
1. Employees shall not pay the persons who are the source of the information, for their materials. An exception may be allowed by a professional guarantor.
2. Employees may provide a promise of anonymity to sources only under the following conditions:
i. The information provided by the source cannot be obtained from a non-anonymous source and is of particular importance ii. The source's request for anonymity is in place. 3. The editor is obliged to reveal the identity of the anonymous source to the professional guarantor, if the professional guarantor so requests. The professional guarantor will decide on making this information available to other persons in agreement with the editor. 4. Editors usually record all interviews of which they should use the information in their work. They take into account the social significance, the importance of the topic and the possibility of subsequent disputes. The archiving of recordings will be regulated by an internal prescription.
5. Unless it is necessary to conceal his/her identity or affiliation with Gipsy Television in order to obtain information, the employee must clearly introduce himself/herself as a Gipsy Television employee before the interview begins and, in the event of recording, warn the other participant that he/she will record the conversation. In the case of active politicians and people who tend to have communication with journalists in their job, it is enough for the editor to clearly introduce himself as the editor of Gipsy Television. 6. Editors are not required to provide for authorization all citations used in the article. However, they may do so at their own reconsideration.
7. Editors are not obliged to provide interviews or other texts for authorization to respondents if they reproduce the exact content of the interview and have an audio recording of such an interview.
VII. Citation
1. Employees may not publish a foreign text, photo or other work as their own one.
2. Employees may not publish their older work as a new one.
3. Employees must always indicate the source of their information if this information is not generally known or is not considered to be generally known in the industry with which the editor deals.
4. Employees must not use fictitious sources.
5. If employees change the name of the source in the text, they must state this and explain the reason for secrecy of identity.
6. When using photographs, employees must identify their source as accurately as possible. 7. When using agency reports, the editor may:
- sign the text with his own abbreviation together with the agencies, or
- cite the agency directly in the text.

VIII. Corrections
1. The professional guarantor or an employee authorized by him shall decide on the publication of corrections and answers. 2. Corrections and answers shall be published under the conditions defined by the Press Law. 3. If the employee learns of an error in his already published text, he is obliged to inform his superior and suggest a way of correcting the error.
IX. Blogging and other public performances
When blogging and making other public performances, employees remember that their attitudes and opinions may be perceived as Gipsy Television. Therefore, even in public performances, they follow the basic values of Gipsy Television.
Opinions published on Internet forums, Facebook, Twitter and similar services are also considered as public performances, as long as they are available to a wider range of people (not only close family and friends).
X. General principles
1. Penalties for violation of this Code of Ethics shall be decided by the professional guarantor after assessing the circumstances of the particular case.
2. In the case of sanctions, the principle is that in the case of the first and second serious violations of the Code, the employee receives a fine from € 200 to € 400. Another one, second or third serious violation of the Code will usually result in termination of cooperation or employment with the employee or co-worker. 3. The Code of Ethics is amended by a decision of the professional guarantor. The professional guarantor informs about changes in employees in a suitable form, especially by notifying on the intranet and at regular management meetings.
4. The current version of the Gipsy Television Code of Ethics is published on the Gipsy Television website
5. If a Code of Ethics does not address a problem unequivocally or not at all, the employee consults with his/her superior.

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