The Media Outlet has been independently certified according to the JTI Programme and CWA 17493:2019.

Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia

Certified by

Certification Management & Development SAS (CMD Certification) – Colombia

Date of certification


Contact details

Calle 95 # 48-40
110111 BOGOTA

Media Outlet El Turbión Date of first publication 23/05/2024 Date of Latest Change 05/11/2024

12. Responsibility for Sources

A Media Outlet shall ensure that the sources used for its journalism are dealt with responsibly and their anonymity protected when justified.

12.1. Anonymity

The procedures for granting anonymity to sources shall be covered by the Editorial Guidelines. The reason for anonymity should be clarified for the public.

Are there guidelines on the procedures to be followed for granting anonymity to sources?


Are the reasons for granting anonymity made clear to the public?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

En El Turbión se respeta el derecho a anonimato de las fuentes por solicitud expresa o por características que respresenten riesgo o inseguridad para las fuentes consultadas.

12.2. Privacy Rights

Editorial guidelines should protect the privacy rights of individuals and their safety.

Are there guidelines to ensure that the privacy rights and safety of individuals are protected in your journalistic activity?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

En El Turbión se respeta el derecho a anonimato de las fuentes por solicitud expresa o por características que respresenten riesgo o inseguridad para las fuentes consultadas. También es prioritario los derechos de privacidad y la protección y seguridad de todas las personas en su actividad periodística.

12.3. Independence and Sources

There should be guidelines on establishing relations with sources which protect the independence of the journalism.

Are there guidelines to ensure the independence of journalism relative to the sources for content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Independencia e imparcialidad

El Turbión mantendrá una línea editorial independiente y crítica, libre de influencia externa de actores económicos, políticos o sociales que busquen desviar la misión del periódico. Nos regimos por un principio de imparcialidad en la cobertura de los hechos, asegurando que todas las voces tengan representación equitativa, especialmente las que suelen ser marginadas.

12.4. Diversity of Sources

Editorial guidelines should ensure that a diversity of sources are consulted in producing journalistic content with adequate time for response.

Do the guidelines ensure that a diversity of sources is used in the production of your journalistic content?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Género y diversidad

El Turbión es un medio que se ha declarado antimachista y antisexista, todos sus miembros se comprometen tanto en el trato como en los contenidos realizados, a no realizar prácticas que atenten contra ninguna persona o colectivo en razón de género, identidad sexual.