Media Outlet Cosmos Media Date of first publication 18/01/2024 Date of Latest Change 18/01/2024

1. Basic Requirements on Media’s Identity

1.1. Legal Entity Name

The Media Outlet, as Conforming Entity, shall provide the name designating the Legal Entity or entities under which it is conducting business. In some cases, this will be the company or public entity (branch of government, parliament, legally authorised state institution, etc.) that has ultimate legal ownership of the Media Outlet. This usually is the body that would be held liable in a court case. It is the body that enters into transactions such as paying employees and suppliers or receiving funds from readers, viewers, customers, advertisers and other sources of funding.

What is the Legal Entity Name?

Cosmos Media

1.2. Contact Details and Identifiers

The contact details that shall be provided are the postal address and both a general telephone number and email address for the Legal Entity or entities designated in clause 1.1 “Legal Entity Name”, as well as existing identifiers. Clarification: This should be the contact details for the Legal Entity. Elsewhere in this document, means of contact for reader, viewer or listener enquiries, editorial input and other purposes are required.

What is the postal address for the Legal Entity?

Rue Opp Rue de Gabes Borj Louzir Ariana
2080 Ariana
Ariana Tunisia

What is the general telephone number for the Legal Entity?


What is the email address for the Legal Entity?

Is the Legal Entity required to have a Tax ID, a Registration ID, a DUNS number and/or other identifiers?


What are these IDs for the Legal Entity?

Matricule fiscale

Are there any other governmental or other identifiers that a certification body could use to verify the identity of the Legal Entity?


What are those identifiers?

IREN/Siret pour votre association / n° 23-023212 (W062018688)

1.3. Description of Media Outlet

The Conforming Entity shall list all brand names, titles, publication names, etc. under which its Content is published, broadcast, printed or otherwise disseminated to the public or customers. These will be known for this document and this process collectively as the Media Outlet. It is that Media Outlet that will conform with this Journalism Trust Initiative Standard. This is the Conforming Entity. These include all names used on website URLs and on social media accounts, etc.

What Brand Name(s), titles, publication names, etc. do you use to publish Content?

"COSMOS MEDIA" s'engage résolument en faveur de l'environnement en donnant la parole aux citoyens, véritables acteurs positifs du changement en faveur d'une économie verte, solidaire et durable.
Animé par une passion profonde pour notre communauté et notre planète, COSMOS MEDIA se positionne au cœur des problématiques écologiques liées au développement durable. Conscient que le citoyen est le premier à subir les conséquences de la pollution, notre média considère également qu'il est le mieux placé pour proposer des solutions.
À travers ce projet, COSMOS MEDIA aspire à devenir le porte-voix constructif des citoyens en quête d'un avenir meilleur.
Notre contenu chez COSMOS MEDIA se distingue par sa nature journalistique unique, plurielle et participative. La collaboration entre le journaliste et le citoyen est au cœur de notre approche, favorisant des discussions constructives autour de questions environnementales telles que la pollution, le changement climatique, la sécheresse et la déforestation, entre autres.
COSMOS MEDIA s'engage également dans une démarche de sobriété numérique, où la notion de responsabilité sociétale et l'engagement en faveur de l'environnement occupent une place centrale.
Notre stratégie reflète une réelle volonté de faire face aux nouveaux défis environnementaux et de répondre aux attentes émergentes de nos lecteurs, partenaires et collaborateurs.
En ce qui concerne nos partenaires, nous collaborons avec un réseau de journalistes et d'activistes engagés en faveur de la préservation de la planète et des droits humains. Afin d'étendre notre portée et toucher un public plus large, nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec des radios associatives, la société civile et des organisations internationales.

1.4. Distribution Channels and URLs

The Media Outlet shall list all URLs on which it publishes. If broadcast or audiovisual, the Media Outlet shall list all terrestrial frequencies, satellite, cable, streaming and other platforms on which it is distributed.

Does the Media Outlet publish on any URLs?


On what URLs do you publish?

Does the Media Outlet publish any content on any social media?


What are the social media URLs, handles, addresses or names that you use to publish?

Site Web:
Facebook :

Does the Media Outlet publish any content by broadcasting and/or streaming?


What are the terrestrial frequencies, channels, satellite identifiers, other platforms or applications that you use to publish?

Live streaming sur le digital

Facebook :



1.5. Safety Concerns

The Media Outlet shall at all times keep the safety (including digital safety and cybersecurity) of staff, contributors and owners as a primary concern. If full transparency of contact details or other information might endanger individuals, the Media Outlet shall describe what it can about the legitimate reasons for a lack of disclosure or use of pseudonyms for that purpose. Safety concerns shall not be misused to refrain from disclosure.

Do the Media Outlet's Editorial Guidelines state that the safety of all journalists shall be treated as a primary concern?


If you want to publish additional information, please provide it here.

Dans notre charte editoriale nous avons mentionné cet article

Are there any reasons that the Media Outlet has for withholding information on any of the questions as part of this JTI Standard process?


1.6. Location

The Media Outlet shall provide the physical address of the headquarters of the legal entity referred to above in 1.1 Legal Entity Name. Clarification: This is necessary in cases where the address listed in the Contact Details clause (1.2) does not specify a physical location, or where the location designated by the contact details referred to in 1.2 is not the same location as the headquarters. Clause 1.5, Safety Concerns, may be applied.

Is the physical address of the Legal Entity different from the postal address according to question no. 2?


Do you have a safety-related reason for not providing it?


1.7. Founding Date

The founding date of the Legal Entity referred to in clause 1.1 “Legal Entity Name” shall be specified. If the Media Outlet designated in clause 1.3 “Media Outlet” has a different founding date, the history of former legal entities and their founding dates shall be listed.

What is the founding date of the Legal Entity?

Aout / 2020

Is the founding date of the Media Outlet (as in clause 1.3. question no. 7) different from that of the Legal Entity (as in clause 1.1. question no. 1)?


Provide a history of previous/former Legal Entities and their founding dates.

Cosmos Media est une Media environnemental qui a debuté le 14 Février 2023 mais c'est un projet sous la direction de la société de production 4K Production qui a installé ce projet depuis 2020